

Advance Computer appreciation

we offer quality Advance Computer appreciation


2 weeks


duration3 Times A Week

course typeBasic

course time 2 hour


this is an Advance Computer appreciation course. we take your from zero knowledge to advance knowledge in Advance Computer appreciation .

Mode of Training:

if you are in Nsukka, Enugu State, Class will be physical.

The tutor and the student will fix time and venue comfortable to them.

That will be done after you have made payment for a course and printed your receipt.

Course schedule:

2 hours per day.

it will be 3 times per week.

If you are in a different location not Nsukka, Enugu State, training will be on ZOOM platform.

The tutor and the student will fix time that will be comfortable for them venue remains Zoom.

That will be done after you have made payment for a course and printed your receipt.

Course schedule:

2 hours per day.

it will be 3 times per